How to comfort a girl when she has a nightmare-
Everyonedreams,butsometimestheyaregooddreamsandso Continue reading
What does it mean when you give a girl a gift and she refuses it- what to do_1
Givinggiftsisawaytoexpressyourfeelings,butsometim Continue reading
Why did a girl suddenly ignore you- what to do-
Agirlwhousedtohaveagoodconversationsuddenlybecame Continue reading
What does dating mean- What does it mean to be dating-
Whatdoesdatingmean?WhenwatchingsomemoviesandTVser Continue reading
Is it easier to find a girlfriend as a chef- how to find
Isiteasiertofindagirlfriendwhenyouareachef?Thisis Continue reading
What should I do if I have a girlfriend and like another girl-
Ialreadyhaveagirlfriend,butImeetanothergirlIlike Continue reading
Will long-distance love have consequences-
Longdistanceloveisaspecialformoflovethatteststhep Continue reading
What skills do boys have that make girls shine-
Didyouknow?Ifaboyhassomeskills,itwillreallymakegi Continue reading
Is this request from a boy for a blind date excessive-
Question:Iwouldliketoaskaboyifthisrequestforablin Continue reading
How can I not be rejected if I pursue a girl I'm dating on a blind date-
Blinddateisamatteroffate Ifyoumeetagirlyoulike,yo Continue reading