What are some signs that a girl on a blind date will show interest in you-
TheChineseNewYeariscomingsoon,areyoureadytoaccept Continue reading
What does a dull person look like in love- Characteristics of a dull person
Whatdoesadullpersondoinlove?Whataretheircharacter Continue reading
After a blind date, how do you test whether the other person is interested-
Withtheacceleratedpaceofsociety,manypeoplenowhave Continue reading
Why do scumbag guys always get girls- Reasons why girls like bad guys
Manyboysarewonderingwhytheyaresogoodtogirlsandalw Continue reading
How to chat with someone you like- Get along as -friends- first!
Ilookedatthecommentsinthebackgroundandfoundthatma Continue reading
How will a Capricorn behave towards a scumbag-
Capricornsaregenerallyknownforbeingsteady,pragmat Continue reading
Is it easy to chase Virgo girls- How to chase them-
Virgogirlsareaveryindividualzodiacsign Theyhavehig Continue reading
Is it useful to be thick-skinned when chasing girls- The answer is really useful
Thickskinnedisaveryimportantqualitywhenpursuingagi Continue reading
How should you pursue a girl you like to make it easier to succeed-
Ifyoulikeagirl,youdefinitelyneedtotaketheinitiati Continue reading
Give your girlfriend a unique nickname to show how much you love her
Howdoeveryonecalltheirgirlfriends?Ifyoucallher "ki Continue reading