Will long-distance love have consequences-
Longdistanceloveisaspecialformoflovethatteststhep Continue reading
What skills do boys have that make girls shine-
Didyouknow?Ifaboyhassomeskills,itwillreallymakegi Continue reading
Is this request from a boy for a blind date excessive-
Question:Iwouldliketoaskaboyifthisrequestforablin Continue reading
How can I not be rejected if I pursue a girl I'm dating on a blind date-
Blinddateisamatteroffate Ifyoumeetagirlyoulike,yo Continue reading
Library pick-up routines for boys who don’t know how to pick up girls
Thelibraryisagreatplaceforguyswhodon tknowhowtota Continue reading
To avoid being issued a good person card, you need to do these 3 things
Ifyouaretoohonestwhenchasinggirlsanddon’tknowhowt Continue reading
Can you chase a girl who is hanging on you- The best way is to say goodbye
Everyoneshouldknowthesituationwhenagirlhangsonyou Continue reading
What are the types of men women love most- These three have obvious advantages.
Whattypesofmendowomenlovemost?Thisproblemisdiffic Continue reading
How does the average modern boy find a girlfriend-
Inmodernsociety,ithasbecomeverycommonforboystofin Continue reading
What do you say to make your girlfriend more angry-
Whattosaywhenyoucoaxyourgirlfriendtomakehermoreang Continue reading